Thursday 26 February 2015

Let her shine !!!

The following is an introduction i wrote for a friends program, the theme was female foeticide.
Why are you doing this !? Wat crime did she do to you, to deserve this. By committing this murder you are robbing her of her childhood, her dreams and her right to this beautiful world. Let her enjoy a walk in the rain, see the clear blue skies, the colours of a rainbow, the evergreen mountains, travel through the winding roads and enjoy a sky full of stars. What if your parents have done this to you ? Would u have had this light !? Would you have existed ? Doesnt she deserve a chance to grow stronger from her mistakes, to chase her dreams and to enjoy the gifts of nature. Let her be the dreamer of improbable dreams and the hoper of far flung hopes. Let her be everything you could not ! Give her a chance. Let her shine !! 

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