Wednesday 4 November 2015

Dear Friend,

My Dear friend,
with each time I walk away
I feel a slice of pain
I can see you drowning in puns and sarcasm
I can hear you crying behind each word you say
I can smell the salt on your face from miles away
I can feel the anxiety bottled inside of you
I want to reach out
I want to help you
I want to tell you that everything will be okay
I want you to trust me
Trust that I won’t spill your dirty secrets
Or nights of sorrows
That I won’t speak a word about the monsters bottled in your hollows
Or tell you that your emotions are bullshit
Because, you see, we are much similar than we appear to be
There are also monsters nesting inside of me
Creeping and crawling in the cracks in me
Telling me that I am stupid
That I am no good
That I am useless.
So while I cannot be the perfect person to help you
Let it be known that if you need me, I will be there to help
I will be there to comfort you
To give you humour, hugs and kisses.
To give you your favourite cup of tea
To give you a basketful of love
I know the world is not perfect, so are we
I know our demons will not simply fade away
But if I must say this once, I will say it twice
No matter what the battle is, no matter the struggle is
Everything Will be alryt and I will always be there for you - as a friend !! or maybe something more - a companion ...

with tons of love,

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