Saturday 20 February 2016


How does it feel to get up in the morning and find yourself in a strange city, surrounded by people whom you don't know. How does it feel to run a life so mechanically to yield the future. How about living in a place where you dont have a single person of yours? How is it,whrn you find people behaving the least expected way to you? Relationships, family, friends.. where are those whom we thought will always be with us? Where are those who promised will always be in contact? Where are those people for whom you spent most of your time and energy for? Life is weird. Accept it. You have everything yet nothing. At the end of the day it's just u amidst ur heart's screaming to yourself. What are we running for? What's the value of working hard,earning,gaining experience,living away from all? Ultimately a huge zero..  You may have everything at the end, but no more your dear ones, no more friendships, no more health and no more a happy heart. We lose all that in this process of running to have the so called"future". Are we forgetting to live the present, when running for the future?