Saturday 21 March 2015


As the dust settled, the lights faded, the roads became deserted. There i stood at a single point watching the transformation at NH 46 . A street lamp, a scooter, music and a glass of tea - thats all i had !!! as the Winds were caressing my face, the sky was pitch black like my mind ! Moon was nowhere to be found so was the answers to many of my questions. As the songs in my playlist shuffled so did the thoughts in my mind but then there were these few minutes where i was blank like the deserted highway !!! I was living in the present for those few minutes. I was not thinking about the past nor the future but just living in the present and i finally got a taste of what it feels like to live in the present !!! I enjoyed the dust settling down, i enjoyed each and every sip of that tea, i enjoyed the smell of air, i enjoyed the sight of moving lights, i enjoyed the blankness of the sky, i enjoyed the lyrics of my song and at that moment i felt everything connected to me, as if they were all revolving around me. As if the world was revolving around me. To sum it all - i enjoyed THE PRESENT !!!

Note: we are all consumed by the past and the future that we forget that the present exist. By the time that realization comes the present will be the new past. So, Live in the present and seize the moment - Carpe Diem !!! Enjoy the present cause at the end thats all that matters !!!